Dance Audition Shoot
White backdrop in dance studio. Dance poses with headshots included.
Real Estate Listings
Images of whole house interior/exterior. 30-40 images submitted. See pricing below.
Contact me
Email: kilpstom@gmail.com
Text or call: 817-266-8855
Payments are due upon delivery of sharing the link to the photos for download.
Residential Interior and Exterior Real Estate Photography
Residential Interior and Exterior Real Estate Video Walk-Throughs
Preparing Your Home For Photos
General Tips
Please clean the entire home (vacuum carpet, mop hard floors, clean countertops, clean windows, dust shelves).
Turn on ALL overhead lights and lamps.
Replace all burned out light bulbs and use bulbs of the same temperature (ALL incandescent or ALL compact fluorescent or ALL LED).
All ceiling fans should be turned OFF.
TV and computer screens turned OFF.
Open blinds/window treatments to let in outside light.
Make all beds.
Remove small floor rugs to reveal actual flooring.
Place all shoes/jackets in closets.
Clear countertops completely (no knife blocks, baking supplies, mail, etc.).
Leave out max of one small appliance (ex. coffee maker).
Clear outside of refrigerator of magnets, papers, photos, etc.
Hide garbage cans in pantry or closet.
Remove dishes from sink, place in dishwasher.
Dining Room/Kitchen Table
Clear table, dust and polish the table top.
Use decorative place setting if available.
Feature one center piece such as a bouquet of flowers.
Straighten all chairs and space them evenly.
Remove child seats/booster chairs.
Living/Family Room
Remove stacks of magazines, papers, mail, etc.
De-clutter fireplace mantel/hearth (no more than 5 items, including art).
Fluff and arrange furniture pillows.
Remove kid’s toys.
Hide TV remotes/tablets/laptops.